[Seasar-user:18148] Re: 【DBFlute】 Maven-DBFluteプラグインの複数DB設定について

2009年 8月 1日 (土) 14:15:45 JST









Shinsuke Sugaya さんは書きました:
> 菅谷です。
> いろいろと確認していただきありがとうございました。
> 修正したもの (0.2.0-SNAPSHOT) を M2 スナップショット
> リポジトリに置きました。bat からの出力が多くても
> 大丈夫かと思います。
> よろしくお願いいたします。
> shinsuke
> 2009/07/31 13:41 に 金子 雄一<[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]> さんは書きました:
>> 金子です。
>>> 試しに、SQLファイルを一つか二つくらいに減らして
>>> 実行してみて頂けます?
>> この場合は、うまく行きました。
>>> (あと、SQLファイルが一個も無い状態でどうなるかとか)
>> これも、特に問題ありません。
>> 試した限りでは、
>>>> [INFO] Building SMS-DBFlute
>> この行から、数えて、500行を越えたあたりで、
>> 止まっているような感じでした。
>> 以上、よろしくお願いします。
>> kubo さんは書きました:
>>> 久保(jflute)です。
>>> 試しに、SQLファイルを一つか二つくらいに減らして
>>> 実行してみて頂けます?
>>> (あと、SQLファイルが一個も無い状態でどうなるかとか)
>>> 2009/7/30 金子 雄一 <[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]>:
>>>> 金子です。
>>>>> bat で実行した場合に、何か入力待ちなったり
>>>>> しているでしょうか? (たとえば、y や n を
>>>>> 聞かれたりなど)
>>>> 入力待ちには、なっておりません。
>>>>> あと dbflute:sql2entity を実行して止まった付近の
>>>>> メッセージをいただけないでしょうか? どこら辺で
>>>>> 止まっているのか確認したいと考えています。
>>>> コンソールをそのまま、コピーしました。
>>>> かなり長いですが、ご容赦ください。
>>>> E:\EclipseWorkSpace\SMS-DBFlute>mvn dbflute:sql2entity -P salondb
>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Building SMS-DBFlute
>>>> [INFO]    task-segment: [dbflute:sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] [dbflute:sql2entity {execution: default-cli}]
>>>> [INFO] Running cmd.exe /c sql2entity.bat
>>>> [INFO]         1 個のファイルをコピーしました。
>>>> [INFO] Buildfile: ..\mydbflute\dbflute-\build-torque.xml
>>>> [INFO]   [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO] sql2entity:
>>>> [INFO]      [echo] +-----------------------------------------------+
>>>> [INFO]      [echo] |                                               |
>>>> [INFO]      [echo] | Sql 2 Entity !                                |
>>>> [INFO]      [echo] |                                               |
>>>> [INFO]      [echo] +-----------------------------------------------+
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] Using contextProperties file:
>>>> E:\EclipseWorkSpace\SMS-DBFlute\mydbflute\dbflute-\build.properties
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,598 INFO  - Using
>>>> contextProperties file:
>>>> E:\EclipseWorkSpace\SMS-DBFlute\mydbflute\dbflute-\build.properties
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,598 INFO  - [Properties]:
>>>> size=1
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,598 INFO  -
>>>> torque.project = SALONDB
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,629 INFO  - ...create()
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,645 INFO  - * * * * * * *
>>>> * *
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,645 INFO  - * Process Java
>>>>  *
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,645 INFO  - * * * * * * *
>>>> * *
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,645 INFO  - ...Using Java
>>>> control: om/ControlSql2EntityJava.vm
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:19,676 INFO  - Resolver:
>>>> used database.dtd from 'org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform'
>>>> package
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,067 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\PriceFilBhv_GET_PRICE_PRD_SEARCH.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,223 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- #GetPricePrdSearch#
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !GetPricePrdSearchPmb extends SPB!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdCdCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdNameCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdKbnCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long makerIdCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long brandIdCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long categoryId1Condition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long categoryId2Condition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date minApplCtlCdate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long>
>>>> comSauthHdrComIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> comSauthGrpIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long>
>>>> comSauthOpeComIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long>
>>>> comShopSettingShpIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Boolean showCtg1Flg!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*IF pmb.isPaging() */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- ELSE select count(*) from(
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_cd,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     code.ref_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_sel_prc_itx,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]  from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      price_fil price
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      left outer join product_mst product
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        on price.prc_prd_id = product.prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      left outer join code_ref_fil code
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        on product.prd_sh_kbn = code.ref_no
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      left outer join shop_mst shop
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        on price.prc_shp_id = shop.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      left outer join stock_mst stock
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        on product.prd_id = stock.stc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        and shop.shp_id = stock.stc_shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]  where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.prdCdCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]          product.prd_cd like '%' ||
>>>> /*pmb.prdCdCondition*/'' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.prdNameCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]          product.prd_name like '%' ||
>>>> /*pmb.prdNameCondition*/'' || '%' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.prdKbnCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]          product.prd_sh_kbn =
>>>> /*pmb.prdKbnCondition*/'1' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.makerIdCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]          product.prd_mkr_id =
>>>> /*pmb.makerIdCondition*/'1' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.brandIdCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]           product.prd_bnd_id =
>>>> /*pmb.brandIdCondition*/'1' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.minApplCtlCdate*/'2009/04/21' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_hdr_com_id in
>>>> /*pmb.comSauthHdrComIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_grp_id in
>>>> /*pmb.comSauthGrpIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.showCtg1Flg &&
>>>> pmb.categoryId1Condition != null */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     exists (select opeCategory.opc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                  from ope_category_mst
>>>> opeCategory
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                 where opeCategory.opc_prd_id
>>>> = product.prd_id and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                  /*IF
>>>> pmb.categoryId1Condition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   opeCategory.opc_ctg1_id =
>>>> /*pmb.categoryId1Condition*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                 /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                  /*IF
>>>> pmb.categoryId2Condition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   opeCategory.opc_ctg2_id =
>>>> /*pmb.categoryId2Condition*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                 /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                 opeCategory.opc_ope_com_id in
>>>> /*pmb.comSauthOpeComIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                 opeCategory.opc_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        ) and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     exists (select appl.appl_ctl_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                  from appl_ctl_mst appl
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                 where appl.shp_id =
>>>> shop.shp_id and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_date >=
>>>> product.prd_avl_date_fr and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> appl.appl_ctl_date >= stock.stc_avl_date_fr and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> appl.appl_ctl_date >= price.prc_avl_date_fr and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_date <=
>>>> product.prd_avl_date_to and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> appl.appl_ctl_date <= stock.stc_avl_date_to and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> appl.appl_ctl_date <= price.prc_avl_date_to and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        ) and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_shp_id in
>>>> /*pmb.comShopSettingShpIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.minApplCtlCdate*/'2009/04/21' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_shp_id in
>>>> /*pmb.comShopSettingShpIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.minApplCtlCdate*/'2009/04/21' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     code.ref_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] order by
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_sh_kbn asc, product.prd_cd asc
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*IF pmb.isPaging() */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- ELSE ) as table1
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,270 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,270 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ProductMstBhv_GET_GRP_MIN_AND_MAX_APP_DATE.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,285 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # GetGrpMinAndMaxAppDate #
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !GetGrpMinAndMaxAppDatePmb!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date systemDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long prd_id!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     MIN(a.appl_ctl_date) as min_appl_ctl_date,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     MAX(a.appl_ctl_date) as max_appl_ctl_date
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product_mst p
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop_mst s
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     p.prd_hdr_com_id = s.shp_hdr_com_id and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     p.prd_grp_id = s.shp_grp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     appl_ctl_mst a
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     s.shp_id = a.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     p.prd_id = /*pmb.prd_id*/('1')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and p.prd_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.shp_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.shp_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-04-21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.shp_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-04-21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and a.appl_ctl_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,285 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,285 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ProductMstBhv_GET_STOCK_PRD_ONE.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,301 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # GetStockPrdOne #
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !GetStockPrdOnePmb!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long prdId!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date appDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long hdrComId!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long grpId!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long shpId!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_cd,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_sh_kbn,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_mkr_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_bnd_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_ctlg_prc_itx,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_sel_prc_itx,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_inv_qnty
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product_mst product
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price_fil price
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id = price.prc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock_mst stock
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id = stock.stc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and price.prc_shp_id = stock.stc_shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id = /*pmb.prdId*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_hdr_com_id =
>>>> /*pmb.hdrComId*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_grp_id = /*pmb.grpId*/('1')
>>>> and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_id is not null and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_shp_id = /*pmb.shpId*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_shp_id = /*pmb.shpId*/('1')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,301 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,301 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ProductMstBhv_GET_STOCK_PRD_SEARCH.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,317 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # GetStockPrdSearch #
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !GetStockPrdSearchPmb extends SPB!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdCd!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdName!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long mkrId!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long bndId!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdShKbn!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<String> prdShKbnList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date minDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> hdrComIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> grpIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> shpIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date sysDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*IF pmb.isPaging() */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- ELSE select count(*) from(
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_cd,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     maker.mkr_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     brand.bnd_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_ctlg_prc_itx,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_sel_prc_itx,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_inv_qnty,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product_mst product
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price_fil price
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id = price.prc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock_mst stock
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_id = stock.stc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and price.prc_shp_id = stock.stc_shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     brand_mst brand
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_bnd_id = brand.bnd_id and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     brand.bnd_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     brand.bnd_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     brand.bnd_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/'2009-05-12'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     maker_mst maker
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_mkr_id = maker.mkr_id and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     maker.mkr_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     maker.mkr_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     maker.mkr_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/'2009-05-12'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop_mst shop
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_shp_id = shop.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and price.prc_shp_id = shop.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*IF pmb.prdCd != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         product.prd_cd like '%' ||
>>>> /*pmb.prdCd*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*IF pmb.prdName != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         product.prd_name like '%' ||
>>>> /*pmb.prdName*/('1') || '%' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*IF pmb.mkrId != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         maker.mkr_id = /*pmb.mkrId*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*IF pmb.bndId != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         brand.bnd_id = /*pmb.bndId*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*IF pmb.prdShKbn != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         product.prd_sh_kbn =
>>>> /*pmb.prdShKbn*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*IF pmb.prdShKbn == null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         product.prd_sh_kbn in
>>>> /*pmb.prdShKbnList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_hdr_com_id in
>>>> /*pmb.hdrComIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product.prd_grp_id in
>>>> /*pmb.grpIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_id is not null and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_shp_id in
>>>> /*pmb.shpIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     price.prc_shp_id in
>>>> /*pmb.shpIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     exists (select appl.appl_ctl_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                  from appl_ctl_mst appl
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                 where appl.shp_id =
>>>> shop.shp_id and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_date >=
>>>> product.prd_avl_date_fr and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_date <=
>>>> product.prd_avl_date_to and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_date >=
>>>> price.prc_avl_date_fr and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                            appl.appl_ctl_date
>>>> <= price.prc_avl_date_to and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_date >=
>>>> stock.stc_avl_date_fr and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                            appl.appl_ctl_date
>>>> <= stock.stc_avl_date_to and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]                   appl.appl_ctl_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]        ) and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/'2009-05-12' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_id in /*pmb.shpIdList*/('1')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] order by
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop.shp_name_kn,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_sort,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     maker.mkr_name_kn,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     brand.bnd_name_kn,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock.stc_inv_qnty
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*IF pmb.isPaging() */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- ELSE ) as table1
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,348 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,348 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ProductMstBhv_ISEXIST_APPOINT.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,348 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # IsExistAppiont #
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !IsExistAppiontPmb!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date appDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long shp_id!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long prd_id!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     count(p.prd_id) as cnt
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product_mst p
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stock_mst s
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     p.prd_id = s.stc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     p.prd_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and p.prd_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-07-17'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.stc_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.stc_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.appDate*/'2009-07-17'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.stc_shp_id = /*pmb.shp_id*/('1')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.stc_prd_id = /*pmb.prd_id*/('1')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,348 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,348 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ProductMstBhv_MAINTENANCE_PRD_SETTING_SEARCH.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,364 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- #MaintenancePrdSettingSearch#
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !MaintenancePrdSettingSearchPmb extends
>>>> SPB!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdCdCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdNameCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.String prdKbnCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long makerIdCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long brandIdCondition!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.Date minAppDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> shp_id_list!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> grp_id_list!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long>
>>>> grp_hdr_com_id_list!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date systemDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*IF pmb.isPaging() */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- ELSE select count(*) from(
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     prdmst.prd_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     prdmst.prd_cd,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     codefil.ref_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     prdmst.prd_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     stmst.stc_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shpmst.shp_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shpmst.shp_name,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     prdmst.prd_sh_kbn,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      stmst.stc_avl_date_fr as stc_avl_date_fr,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     appl.appl_ctl_date
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     product_mst prdmst
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]   inner join shop_mst shpmst
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     on prdmst.prd_grp_id = shpmst.shp_grp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and shpmst.shp_id IN
>>>> /*pmb.shp_id_list*/('1','3','5')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and shpmst.shp_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and shpmst.shp_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009/04/21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and shpmst.shp_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009/04/21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]   inner join code_ref_fil codefil
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     on prdmst.prd_sh_kbn = codefil.ref_no
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]   left outer join stock_mst stmst
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     on prdmst.prd_id = stmst.stc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and stmst.stc_shp_id = shpmst.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and stmst.stc_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and stmst.stc_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.minAppDate*/'2009/04/21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]   left outer join price_fil prefil
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     on prdmst.prd_id = prefil.prc_prd_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and prefil.prc_shp_id = shpmst.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and prefil.prc_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and prefil.prc_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.minAppDate*/'2009/04/21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]   left outer join appl_ctl_mst appl
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     on shpmst.shp_id = appl.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.prdCdCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      prdmst.prd_cd like '%' ||
>>>> /*pmb.prdCdCondition*/'' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.prdNameCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      prdmst.prd_name like '%' ||
>>>> /*pmb.prdNameCondition*/'' || '%' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.prdKbnCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      prdmst.prd_sh_kbn =
>>>> /*pmb.prdKbnCondition*/'1' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.makerIdCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      prdmst.prd_mkr_id =
>>>> /*pmb.makerIdCondition*/'1' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*IF pmb.brandIdCondition != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      prdmst.prd_bnd_id =
>>>> /*pmb.brandIdCondition*/'1' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     prdmst.prd_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and prdmst.prd_hdr_com_id IN
>>>> /*pmb.grp_hdr_com_id_list*/('1','3','5')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and prdmst.prd_grp_id IN
>>>> /*pmb.grp_id_list*/('1','3','5')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and codefil.ref_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and codefil.ref_no <> '14999'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and prdmst.prd_avl_date_to >=
>>>> appl.appl_ctl_date
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      and prdmst.prd_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> appl.appl_ctl_date
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     (stmst.stc_id is null OR
>>>> stmst.stc_avl_date_fr <= appl.appl_ctl_date)
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*IF pmb.isPaging() */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] order by
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shpmst.shp_id,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     prdmst.prd_sh_kbn,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     prdmst.prd_cd
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*IF pmb.isPaging() */
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] limit /*$pmb.fetchSize*/20 offset
>>>> /*$pmb.pageStartIndex*/80
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- ELSE ) as table1
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,379 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,379 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ShopMstBhv_GET_GROUP_APP_MIN_AND_MAX_DATE.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,379 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # GetAppCtrlMinMaxDate #
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !GetAppCtrlMinMaxDatePmb!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date systemDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> grp_id_list!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long>
>>>> grp_hdr_com_id_list!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      MIN(a.appl_ctl_date) as
>>>> min_appl_ctl_date,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      MAX(a.appl_ctl_date) as max_appl_ctl_date
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      shop_mst s
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      appl_ctl_mst a
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]      s.shp_id = a.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     group_mst g
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     s.shp_grp_id = g.grp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     g.grp_id in /*pmb.grp_id_list*/('1')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and g.grp_hdr_com_id in
>>>> /*pmb.grp_hdr_com_id_list*/('1')
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and g.grp_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and g.grp_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-04-21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and g.grp_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-04-21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.shp_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.shp_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-04-21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and s.shp_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-04-21'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     and a.appl_ctl_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,395 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,395 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ShopMstBhv_GET_GROUP_ID_AND_GROUP_NAME.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,395 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # GetGroupIdAndGroupName #
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !GetGroupIdAndGroupNamePmb!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date systemDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.lang.Long shpOpeComId!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] SELECT
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] DISTINCT
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         GRP.GRP_ID ,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         GRP.GRP_NAME ,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         GRP.GRP_NAME_KN
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] FROM
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         SHOP_MST SHOP LEFT OUTER JOIN
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         ON SHOP.SHP_GRP_ID = GRP.GRP_ID
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] WHERE
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         SHOP.SHP_DEL_FLG = '0' AND
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         /*IF pmb.shpOpeComId != null*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]          SHOP.SHP_OPE_COM_ID =
>>>> /*pmb.shpOpeComId*/4 AND
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         /*END*/
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         SHOP.SHP_AVL_DATE_FR <=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-06-12' AND
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         SHOP.SHP_AVL_DATE_TO >=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-06-12' AND
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         GRP.GRP_DEL_FLG = '0' AND
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         GRP.GRP_AVL_DATE_FR <=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-06-12' AND
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         GRP.GRP_AVL_DATE_TO >=
>>>> /*pmb.systemDate*/'2009-06-12'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] ORDER BY
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]         GRP.GRP_NAME_KN ASC
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,395 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,395 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ShopMstBhv_GET_OPE_COM_MIN_AND_MAX_APP_DATE.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,395 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # GetOpeComMinAndMaxAppDate #
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !GetOpeComMinAndMaxAppDatePmb!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.util.List<Long> opeComIdList!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- !!java.sql.Date sysDate!!
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] select
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     MIN(a.appl_ctl_date) as min_appl_ctl_date,
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     MAX(a.appl_ctl_date) as max_appl_ctl_date
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] from
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     shop_mst s
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     company_mst c
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     s.shp_ope_com_id = c.com_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] left outer join
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     appl_ctl_mst a
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] on
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     s.shp_id = a.shp_id
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] where
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     c.com_id in /*pmb.opeComIdList*/('1') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     c.com_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     s.shp_avl_date_fr <=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/('2009-05-27') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     s.shp_avl_date_to >=
>>>> /*pmb.sysDate*/('2009-05-27') and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     s.shp_del_flg = '0' and
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity]     a.appl_ctl_del_flg = '0'
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,410 INFO  -   -->
>>>> success=1 failure=0
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,410 INFO  - {SQL File}:
>>>> ..\src\main\resources\jp\co\plussum\dbflute\salondb\exbhv\emainte\ShopMstBhv_GET_SHOP_APPLICATION_DATE.sql
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] 2009-07-30 06:10:20,410 INFO  - {SQL}
>>>> [INFO] [torque-sql2entity] -- # ShopMstEntity #
>>>> 毎回、この時点で、必ず止まります。
>>>> 以上、よろしくお願いします。
>>>> Shinsuke Sugaya さんは書きました:
>>>>> 菅谷です。
>>>>>> なお、sql2entity.batの実行であれば、20秒足らずで完了します。
>>>>> bat で実行した場合に、何か入力待ちなったり
>>>>> しているでしょうか? (たとえば、y や n を
>>>>> 聞かれたりなど)
>>>>> あと dbflute:sql2entity を実行して止まった付近の
>>>>> メッセージをいただけないでしょうか? どこら辺で
>>>>> 止まっているのか確認したいと考えています。
>>>>> shinsuke
>>>>> 2009/07/30 5:24 に 金子 雄一<[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]> さんは書きました:
>>>>>> 金子です。
>>>>>>> バージョンについてですが 0.1.0 では
>>>>>>> いかがでしょうか?
>>>>>> 試してみましたが、結果は同じでした。
>>>>>> やはり、途中で止まってしまいます。
>>>>>> (2分程度、放置してみましたが、プロンプトが戻ってきません。)
>>>>>> なお、sql2entity.batの実行であれば、20秒足らずで完了します。
>>>>>> 以上、よろしくお願いします。
>>>>>> Shinsuke Sugaya さんは書きました:
>>>>>>> 菅谷です。
>>>>>>> バージョンについてですが 0.1.0 では
>>>>>>> いかがでしょうか? (サイトが 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
>>>>>>> と古い情報になっているので、あとで修正して
>>>>>>> おきます)
>>>>>>> shinsuke
>>>>>>> 2009/07/30 0:22 に 金子 雄一<[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]> さんは書きました:
>>>>>>>> 金子です。
>>>>>>>> 通常のsql2Entity.batについては、問題なく動作します。
>>>>>>>> また、他のタスク(dbflute:jdbc,dbdlute:generate,dbflute:doc)については、
>>>>>>>> 問題なく動作しています。
>>>>>>>> 以上、よろしくお願いします。
>>>>>>>> kubo さんは書きました:
>>>>>>>>> 久保(jflute)です。
>>>>>>>>>> dbflute:sql2entity タスクが途中で必ず止まってしまいます。
>>>>>>>>>> エラーログも出ないので、何がおきているか分からないのですが、
>>>>>>>>>> 同じところで、必ず止まってしまいます。
>>>>>>>>> 状況確認です。
>>>>>>>>> 普通に.batや.shからSql2Entityを実行したときは正常に動作します?
>>>>>>>>> また、他のタスクは正常に動作します?
>>>>>>>>> 2009/7/30 金子 雄一 <[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]>:
>>>>>>>>>> 金子です。
>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration の値は ${〜} みたいな感じにして
>>>>>>>>>>>> プロファイルを定義して切り替えるとかな
>>>>>>>>>>>> 気がします(mvn -P db1みたいなイメージ)。
>>>>>>>>>> この方法で、できました。
>>>>>>>>>> なお、別件なのですが、
>>>>>>>>>> dbflute:sql2entity タスクが途中で必ず止まってしまいます。
>>>>>>>>>> エラーログも出ないので、何がおきているか分からないのですが、
>>>>>>>>>> 同じところで、必ず止まってしまいます。
>>>>>>>>>> 何か、お心当たりがある方がいらっしゃいましたら、
>>>>>>>>>> 回避策をご教示いただけたらと存じます。
>>>>>>>>>> 以上、よろしくお願いいたします。
>>>>>>>>>> 金子 雄一 さんは書きました:
>>>>>>>>>>> 金子です。
>>>>>>>>>>> 菅谷さん、ご回答ありがとうございます。
>>>>>>>>>>> ソースを拝見させていただいたので、
>>>>>>>>>>> なんとなく、そんな気がしないでもなかったのですが・・・。
>>>>>>>>>>> まずは、プロファイルでやってみる事にします。
>>>>>>>>>>> のちのち、ご対応いただけると、非常にありがたいです。
>>>>>>>>>>> 以上、よろしくお願いいたします。
>>>>>>>>>>> Shinsuke Sugaya さんは書きました:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 菅谷です。
>>>>>>>>>>>> 現状の実装では、そのように 1 つの pom で
>>>>>>>>>>>> 複数の定義を書けません。やるとしたら、
>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration の値は ${〜} みたいな感じにして
>>>>>>>>>>>> プロファイルを定義して切り替えるとかな
>>>>>>>>>>>> 気がします(mvn -P db1みたいなイメージ)。
>>>>>>>>>>>> それでできるかどうかは試していませんが...。
>>>>>>>>>>>> shinsuke
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2009/07/29 22:49 に 金子 雄一<[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]> さんは書きました:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> お世話になります。
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 金子と申します。
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maven-DBFluteプラグインを使用して、
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 複数DBの設定を行いたいと考えています。
>>>>>>>>>>>>> その際に、pom.xmlには、どのような設定をすればよろしいでしょうか?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 現在、以下のような設定を記載して試してみましたが、
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 一番最後の設定のみが有効になります。
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <plugin>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <groupId>org.seasar.dbflute</groupId>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <artifactId>maven-dbflute-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <version>0.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <configuration>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <dbfluteVersion></dbfluteVersion>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <database>postgres</database>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  <databaseDriver>org.postgresql.Driver</databaseDriver>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <databaseUrl>jdbc:postgresql://<ホストのIP>/<DB名></databaseUrl>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <databaseUser>postgres</databaseUser>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <databasePassword>postgres</databasePassword>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <rootPackage>jp.co.plussum</rootPackage>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <dbPackage>jp.co.plussum.reportdb</dbPackage>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <schemaName><スキーマ名></schemaName>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <schemaFile><ファイル名></schemaFile>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      </configuration>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> </plugin>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <plugin>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <groupId>org.seasar.dbflute</groupId>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <artifactId>maven-dbflute-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <version>0.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      <configuration>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <dbfluteVersion></dbfluteVersion>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <database>postgres</database>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  <databaseDriver>org.postgresql.Driver</databaseDriver>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <databaseUrl>jdbc:postgresql://<ホストのIP>/<DB名></databaseUrl>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <databaseUser>postgres</databaseUser>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <databasePassword>postgres</databasePassword>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <rootPackage>jp.co.plussum</rootPackage>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <dbPackage>jp.co.plussum.reportdb</dbPackage>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <schemaName><スキーマ名></schemaName>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>              <schemaFile><ファイル名></schemaFile>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      </configuration>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> </plugin>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> どなた様か、ご教示いただけたらと思います。
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ご不明な点がありましたら、ご連絡ください。
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 以上、よろしくお願いいたします。
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 金子 雄一 <[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seasar-user mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://ml.seasar.org/mailman/listinfo/seasar-user
>>>>>>>>>> 金子 雄一 <[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]>
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> Seasar-user mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> https://ml.seasar.org/mailman/listinfo/seasar-user
>>>>>>>> 金子 雄一 <[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]>
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> Seasar-user mailing list
>>>>>>>> https://ml.seasar.org/mailman/listinfo/seasar-user
>>>>>> 金子 雄一 <[E-MAIL ADDRESS DELETED]>
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>>>>>> Seasar-user mailing list
>>>>>> https://ml.seasar.org/mailman/listinfo/seasar-user
>> _______________________________________________
>> Seasar-user mailing list
>> https://ml.seasar.org/mailman/listinfo/seasar-user

金子 雄一  Yuichi Kaneko
Tel: 048-830-0077 Fax: 048-830-0076
Tel: 048-793-7317 Fax: 048-793-7317

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