# ======================================================================================= # for All # ======= # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # P R O J E C T # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # @FirstProperty # @Required torque.project = EPC # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # T A R G E T D A T A B A S E # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the target database, only considered when generating # the SQL for your Torque project. Your possible choices are: # # axion, cloudscape, db2, db2400, hypersonic, interbase, mssql, # mysql, oracle, postgresql, sapdb, sybase, firebird, derby, h2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # @FirstProperty # @Required torque.database = db2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # T A R G E T L A N G U A G E # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # (Default 'java') # The target language. Your possible choices are: # java, csharp # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # @FirstProperty #torque.targetLanguage = java # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # T E M P L A T E E N C O D I N G # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # (Default 'UTF-8') # The encoding of Velocity template file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- torque.templateFileEncoding = MS932 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # S O U R C E F I L E E N C O D I N G # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # (Default 'UTF-8') # The encoding of source file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- torque.sourceFileEncoding = MS932 # ======================================================================================= # for OM task # =========== # _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ # Basic # _/_/_/_/ # /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [Output Directory] # java.dir: (Default '../src/main/java') # The base output directory. # # If this value is '../src/main/java' and your project stype is under maven, # you don't need to set up this property! # # {project} # | # |-dbflute_ldb # | |-build-ldb.properties # | |-... # | # |-src/main/java // *Here! # |-src/main/resources # |-... # # # @FirstProperty #torque.java.dir = ../src/main/java # ----------------/ # _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ # Package # _/_/ # /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [EntityDao Package] # packageBase: (Default '') # The base directory of package. # # *If this property is specified and other package properties is not specified, # Then The packages of generated class are as follows: # # ex) packageBase = org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb # baseCommonPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.allcommon # baseBehaviorPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.bsbhv # baseDaoPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.bsdao # baseEntityPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.bsentity # conditionBeanPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.cbean # extendedBehaviorPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.exbhv # extendedDaoPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.exdao # extendedEntityPackage --> org.seasar.dbflute.example.dbflute.ldb.exentity # # *If this property is not specified, you should specify the other package properties. # # # baseCommonPackage: (Default Java:'allcommon' C#:'allcommon') # baseBehaviorPackage: (Default Java:'bsbhv' C#:'bsbhv') # baseDaoPackage: (Default Java:'bsdao' C#:'bsdao') # baseEntityPackage: (Default Java:'bsentity' C#:'bsentity') # conditionBeanPackage: (Default Java:'cbean' C#:'cbean') # extendedBehaviorPackage: (Default Java:'exbhv' C#:'exbhv') # extendedDaoPackage: (Default Java:'exdao' C#:'exdao') # extendedEntityPackage: (Default Java:'exentity' C#:'exentity') # # @FirstProperty torque.packageBase = xxx # ----------------/ # _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ # S2Dao Adjustment # _/_/_/_/_/_/ # /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [S2Dao Version] # s2daoVersion: (Default [The latest version]) # # @JavaOnly torque.s2daoVersion = 1.0.46 # ----------------/ # /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [S2Dao Component] # daoSqlFileEncoding: (Default '') # Your original encoding of sql file for dao. # # @JavaOnly torque.daoSqlFileEncoding = MS932 # ----------------/ # /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [DaoMethodLazyInitializing] (Default 'false') # [true] # S2Dao initialize per dao method. # # [false] # S2Dao initialize per dao Interface(default behavior). # # @JavaOnly torque.isAvailableDaoMethodLazyInitializing = true # ----------------/ # /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [ChildNoAnnotationGenerating] (Default 'false') # [true] # S2Dao initialize per dao method. # # [false] # S2Dao initialize per dao Interface(default behavior). # # @JavaOnly torque.isAvailableChildNoAnnotationGenerating = true # ----------------/ # _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ # Little Adjustment # _/_/_/_/_/_/ # /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [Common Column Intercepting On Behavior Filter] (Default 'false' *But at the future it will be true!) # [true] # Common column intercepting is executed on behavior filter. # And the modifier of behavior's delegate—X‘D() method is protected! # # [false] # Non. (Common column intercepting on interceptor and delegate—X‘D() is public) # # @JavaOnly torque.isCommonColumnInterceptingOnBehaviorFilter = true # ----------------/ # ======================================================================================= # for JDBC task # ============= # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # [Database Informaition] # # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # You shuold use './dfprop/databaseInfoMap.dfprop' # Look the file! # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -